Happy Valentine’s Day

Blanche & Anni spend a quiet Valentine’d Day together.

Happy Valentine’s day everyone!

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Annimae and I have been busy with life, adjusting to my transformation…but we have a stronger bond than ever and cherish each other like never before.

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This year’s Valentine’s day was very relaxed and intimate. There’s nothing like spending the day intertwined with your soulmate.

A Lovely Afternoon and Evening

We set out into the plains to practice her warrior skills for a bit then took a dip in the ocean.

My girlfriend, Natsu, came over to visit again.  We set out into the plains to practice her warrior skills for a bit then took a dip in the ocean.  At the end of the day, we built a fire on the beach and just sat and talked.  It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.

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My Girlfriend

She is always surprising me with visits and hellos and seems to go way out of her way to make me happy and spend time with me.

Yup, love is the word to describe my girlfriend’s feelings for me.  Nothing else could be used.  Hrm? Whats that? hehe oh yes, my girlfriend!  Natsumi and I started dating!  Yea, she is um, just amazing!  Our relationship is still a fledgling but I really think its going to be something special.  She is always surprising me with visits and hellos and seems to go way out of her way to make me happy and spend time with me.

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I love her very much and am very excited to see where our relationship will take us.


Hello everyone!  Wanted to touch base with you all and say “Hi!”.  I know we’ve been pretty quiet lately, trouble is work and studies have gotten in the way.  Some have asked how Psy and I are doing and for that we thank you.  It means a lot to us that you care about her and I and hope we are doing well.

We are; in fact we have taken a bit of a step back from our regular friskiness with our friends and have been focusing a lot on just spending quality time together.

For now I will leave you with some selfies I took before heading to bed this evening.  Nite everyone! Luv ya!

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