
We enjoy getting into the outdoors and enjoying all it has to offer: fishing, hiking and camping are just some of the things we enjoy.  Here are our favorite spots!

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Zephyr Drift Campsite

Middle LaNoscea (25.3, 23.8)

Campsite Profile:

Campsite: Fire ring, supplies
Hiking: Grade 1 (low profile, mostly flat), canyon will be more difficult
Fishing: Rogue River, W. Agelyss River, Woad Whisper Canyon (Nym River)
Swimming: Not permitted

There is a nice little campsite here including a fire ring and supplies.  No tent is available so be prepared to sleep under the stars or bring your own.  There is a goblin campsite nearby but they mostly keep to themselves and are friendly, especially when offered fresh fish.  In close proximity are the W. Agelyss and Rogue rivers, great for casual fishing.  Both are easy to access.  For the more adventurous types there is the Woad Whisper Canyon.  The head of the canyon is home to numerous cascading waterfalls.  A number of harmless water sprites inhabit the area.


It has an amazing view of the city of Limsa.


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Memeroon’s Trading Post

Upper LaNoscea (14.7, 24.4)

Campsite Profile:

Campsite: Fire-ring, Supplies
Hiking: Grade 2 (medium profile, hilly, well marked trails)
Fishing: Oakwood, Fool Falls, Bronze Lake
Swimming: Not permitted

Positioned on the western shore of Bronze Lake is Memeroon’s Trading Post.  Its a fairly small establishment.  As such the dwellers have opened up the came site to outsiders.  The lake and its crystal clear waters are perfect for fishing.  For the more adventurous types, Fool Falls is a hike away and offers breathtaking vistas and offers a beautiful place to bathe.  The trading post can be reached by land or by ferry making it easy to find.  Fishing is available in the nearby waters but no swimming is permitted.


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North Bloodshore

Eastern LaNoscea (31.6, 24.3)

Campsite Profile:

Campsite: Fire-Ring, Cabin, Food, Wine, Beach Combing
Hiking: Grade 1 (low profile, mostly flat), Hiking to the top of the waterfall will be more difficult
Fishing: Deep Sea, Chartered Fishing Trips and Rivers
Swimming: Permitted.  Can swim out to various islands

Probably one of Anni’s favorite spots, you will find this site positioned on the northern coast of Costa del Sol makes this camp site both secluded and beautiful.  The cabin, usually locked, is frequented by courtesans and their clients so be forewarned.  A short, uphill hike will bring you to the top of Hidden Falls where you can fish and enjoy the beautiful vista.

The beach is frequented by oyster hunters.  Offer to give them a hand and you may be able to keep a few for yourself!  There is a sun-shade setup, facing the waterfall.  It offers a place to get in out of the sun and have a cold drink.


Horses are permitted on the beach, so long as you clean up after them.  In the evening you can enjoy a spectacular fireworks display (seasonal) and some beautiful Miqo’te dancers.


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High Bridge

Eastern Thanalan (19.6, 20.3)

Campsite Profile:

Campsite: Fire-Ring, Tent, Wine, Stew-Pot
Hiking: Grade 2 (medium profile, hilly, well marked trails)
Fishing: Permitted on the Yugr’am River (23.9, 24.1)
Swimming: None

A Lalafel by the name of Gogoshu has setup a semi-permanent campsite here, for travelers to enjoy.  He provides a large tent, a cooking pot and plenty of wine.  Bring your own food and other supplies.


Fishing is available nearby on the Yugr’am River.  The Qiqirn there are mostly docile and won’t bother you.  They have constructed a couple platforms beside the river from which you can fish.


A short easy walk from the campsite will bring you to an ancient Goblu statue and offers a beautiful view of the waterfall.  Take note of the flora in the area.


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Campsite Name

Area (coordinates)

Campsite Profile:
