A busy day…

 So what a night… I got back home late, and I missed my wife SOOO much. Between the work at the dojo and my archery training, just had almost no time to do much today. But I had time to see my wife before bed. I gave her a big hug! She makes everything go away!

Training At the Dojo  😡

Getting exhausted at the Dojo 😡 

Looking for my target 😣
Preparing to draw my arrow…
I love her hugs! ♥

That hug turned into me kissing her neck. Then… I left her a mark. From there, we just went to bed. I love snuggling up to her before bed. She makes me so happy and takes away all issues from the day. Thank you Anni, for being such a wonderful Kitten. I love you so much!

She makes coming home so the best part of the day. ♥